Partner With Our Criminal Defense Attorney in Jacksonville, FL

We’ll build a solid, fact-based defense for your case


We have your back when you’re facing a DUI or DWI ticket.

Our criminal defense attorney will build a comprehensive case in your defense.

Let us uncover all of the facts needed to represent your best interests.

Turn to us for a comprehensive defense if you’re facing sex crime charges.

Everyone Deserves Quality Legal Representation

Make our local attorney your first choice in Jacksonville, FL

Murphy’s law is the second law of thermodynamics that says, “What can go wrong will go wrong.” At Murphy's Law - A Law Firm, we believe the same concept applies to everyday life. When everything that can go wrong does go wrong, call local attorney Tom Murphy.

If you’re looking for an aggressive and experienced criminal defense attorney in Jacksonville, FL, make attorney Murphy your first choice. He’ll fight hard for your best interests.

Why choose our attorney?

Local attorney Murphy is your unwavering legal advocate. He brings his wealth of experience and unyielding passion for justice to every case. You’ll feel confident with our criminal defense attorney working on your case because:

Have any lingering questions? Call 904-423-6174 now, and we’ll be happy to provide the answers you need.

He graduated from the Florida A&M University College of Law

He has been practicing law since 2005, handling cases for the public defender’s office

He takes an aggressive and fact-based approach to negotiating

He has taken on dozens of jury trials with successful verdicts

Don’t Face Criminal Chargers Without an Experienced Lawyer on Your Side

Choose Murphy's Law - A Law Firm when you need criminal defense services

How can we help you?

Whether you’re facing charges of a sex crime, firearm possession as a felon or robbery, we can provide the legal representation you deserve. With us by your side, you’ll reduce your risk of facing large fines, jail time or more severe consequences. We can even represent you if you’re facing DUI charges. We’ll fight for you in and out of the courtroom.

Contact us today to speak with our attorney about the legal representation you need.

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